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Course Catalog


Achieving Optimal Outcomes in Joint Arthroplasty

The ETA: Advancing Outcomes meeting focused on emerging technologies for optimizing the clinical results of arthroplasty.

David Markel, MD Edgar Wakelin, PhD Robert Marchand, MD Dae Keun Suh, MD Michael LaCour, PhD Lazaros Kostretzis, MD Paul-Andre Synnott Maged Shaheen, MD Graham Goh, MRCS

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Clinical Technology Watch List

The ETA: Advancing Outcomes meeting focused on emerging technologies for optimizing the clinical results of arthroplasty.

Leo Whiteside, MD David Lewallen, MD Solomon Dadia, MD Matthias Verstraete, PhD Catherine Van Der Straeten, MD, PhD Nobuhiko Sugano, MD, PhD

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Arthroscopies performed with the recently introduced wireless scope ArthroFree are expected to be safer, more efficient, and more cost-effective than arthroscopies done with fiber-optic scopes.

CE credit: 72

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Emerging Technologies

The ETA: Advancing Outcomes meeting focused on emerging technologies for optimizing the clinical results of arthroplasty.

Valentina Pedoia, PhD Kartik Logishetty, PhD Douglas Van Citters, PhD Solomon Dadia, MD Stephen Murphy, MD John Keggi, MD

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Preoperative Planning Technologies

The ETA: Advancing Outcomes meeting focused on emerging technologies for optimizing the clinical results of arthroplasty.

Stefan Kreuzer, MD, MS David Leandro Dejtiar, PhD Alessia Lavin, MD Jeff Muir, MSc Andrew Jensen, PhD Student Andrea Giorgini, MD Kyle Snethen, PhD Ran Schwarzkopf, MD, MSc

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Shark Tank

The ISTA ETA meeting focused on technology that has left the research labs and started its translational journey to clinical practice.

Christopher Roche, MSE, MBA Patrick Lane Fred Cushner, MD Parth Desai, MD

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